We are respectfully asking for your help for the safety and well-being of our children!

Please  be aware  that the main driveway of our school is not an option for parking or dropping off students.  This is a fire route and a bus loading/unloading zone only and must be kept clear.

Do NOT stop, drop off, or park in the main driveway or school parking lot during the following times:

  • 9:00 to 9:30 am
  • 3:30 to 4:00 pm.

Effectively, the driveway and lot are closed during this time.

We have had a number of issues that have arisen with parking in and around our school.  With the number of staff and volunteers, there are not enough parking spaces in the school lot.  The church has been kind enough to allow us to park in their large lot to address part of this problem.

If walking isn’t an option, and the church lot is full, please ensure that you are parking only in legally designated parking spots on the side streets close to the school.

Additionally, if you have parked in the school parking lot before these closed hours, any cars will NOT be able to leave until after the busses have left and after the “closed” period mentioned above.

Starting in May 2017, we will be conducting a parking blitz. Parent volunteers and staff will monitor and manage the parking situation during the closed times and enforce the rules outlined above.

While this minor inconvenience may seem initially bothersome, the fact that it could save injury or critical injury to a child makes sense.

We will be liaising with local authority parking enforcement teams and offenders will be notified, and where appropriate, ticketed.

We would like to work together to keep our children safe at all times and consider leaving the car at home and walking as the weather warms.  Safety MUST come before convenience. Respect, and consideration must be given to those who require regular and accessible access to the school.

Thank you for helping us all to keep our staff, students, and parents/caregivers safe.


~ A Joint letter from Franklin Public School Staff and Parent Council