Hello Franklin Families. We hope you are enjoying the weekend.


1. Monday October 24th is a PD day. There is no school for students.

2. There is a School Council Meeting this Thursday at 6:30 pm. It will be in person and virtually.


1. Pita lunches are back for those who are interested in ordering for their children. The first start date is October 28th to allow you the time to think about if you want to use this service. If you do decide to order, orders have to be in on the Sunday before the week’s orders. Please use this link https://www.ca203.pitapitlunchprogram.ca and note that here is a drop down menu once you go further for Franklin. Thank you to Dallas B. who has coordinated this for families.

2. We will be providing Strong Start again this year at Franklin. Strong Start is a letter/sound program geared toward primary students who struggle with early reading skills. The program will be coordinated by a parent in our school named Heidi Amadei and the sessions will be taught by volunteers. If you are willing to volunteer for this worthy program and have the police check and volunteer application portion completed – thus admin has contacted you – please contact Heidi directly. (heidiamadei87@gmail.com) If interested in volunteering and you do not have the requirements, please contact Mrs. Cotnam (linda_cotnam@wrdsb.ca).

3. There will be a message from School Council shortly.

4. As of October 17th, Franklin will be “starting “Boomerang” Lunches. A boomerang lunch is when everything (wrappers, containers, juice boxes, etc) in the lunch goes back home to be disposed of. This allows you to see what your child(ren) are eating/not eating during the day. Using reusable containers really helps in this endeavour.

5. See  School-Day for Carizon Survive and Thrive Bulletin on 5 ways to build lasting self esteem in your children.

6. There is a Board Committee of the Whole Meeting if you are interested in joining this Monday at 7 pm. Here is the link to join. https://www.youtube.com/c/WRDSBVideo/live

7. Lunch and Learn Sessions have begun once again. The next two in October include:

Why is my child so shy? How to Build your Child’s Confidence

When: October 19, 2022 from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.

Where: https://zoom.us/j/5441930058?pwd=bFBqMmY2L2VwMzlPVERwOEZGUXRhZz09

Meeting ID: 544 193 0058

Password: WRDSB

Secrets of Reinforcement: Your Parenting Gold Star

When: October 26, 2022 from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.

Where: https://zoom.us/j/5441930058?pwd=bFBqMmY2L2VwMzlPVERwOEZGUXRhZz09

Meeting ID: 544 193 0058

Password: WRDSB

Quote of the Week:

“Behind every child who believes in themselves is a parent who believed in them first.” (Matthew Jacobson)

Linda and Jan