Hello Franklin Families,
Here are your weekly reminders and updates.


1. Family Night is coming up soon. Information already went out on these events. Please refer to School-Day. Bring your families to check out our bake sale, garage sale, clothing drive, and book fair! Participate in games, activities and enter our draw to win some incredible prizes!

2. Lunch and Learn Session coming up:

Grief 101: What It Is and What It Isn’t

When: March 27, 2024 from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.

Where: https://zoom.us/j/5441930058?pwd=bFBqMmY2L2VwMzlPVERwOEZGUXRhZz09#success

Meeting ID: 544 193 0058

Password: WRDSB

3. Franklin is looking forward to having our annual garage sale! Please begin to collect gently used children’s books and toys that you no longer have a need for. The books and toys will be sold during our Franklin Family Night. Please see School-Day for more information on this.

4. Tiny Home Takeout – GRAB A BITE. GIVE IF YOU CAN is at the corner of Ottawa St. N. and Franklin St. N. (by Stanley Park Community Centre and the Church) every Wednesday and Friday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm.

5. We welcome Mr. Wiechers back to Franklin for this coming week. He will be the Vice Principal until the Easter Break. Following that, Mrs. Ouellette will be the Acting Vice Principal for the remainder of the year.

6. Reminder about the popcorn fundraiser. Any raised money will go to help Franklin students, specifically for outdoor play and outdoor play spaces. The last day of the fundraiser is on March 26th.


1. Thank you to those families who joined us for Movie Night this past Thursday. Based on feedback, it was a great success. Thank you to School Council for organizing the event.

2. There is no school on Friday March 29th and no school on Monday April 1st.

3. Book Fair is returning and will be open for sales on Wednesday April 11th and 12th. Please note that as in previous years, children will be able to walk through and make a wish list. If you do not want your child to participate in the walk through and making of a wish list, please email your child’s teacher(s).

4. If you have something that has never been opened and would like to donate it as a raffle prize or know a business retailer who would donate an item for our Family Fun Night, please contact meagan_wamsley@wrdsb.ca A note has also gone home for you to consider donating to themed baskets. Please remember – only if you can and or if you want to.

5. April 7th to 11th, Franklin families will be able to use a coupon code “FUND” when they order a large 3-topping pizza for 15 dollars. When they do that, 50% of all sales will go to Franklin Public School. There will be a separate message going out on School-Day regarding this.

6. Message from Student Transportation Services – “Spring is the perfect time to get active outdoors! Walking or wheeling for the school journey builds fitness, alertness in the classroom, and social connection. Walking, biking, scooting, skateboarding, pogoing, and other fun ways to get to school or around the neighbourhood” are great for children and adults alike .Register your child/children for a chance to win one of 5 Indigo gift certificates.

All students can participate!

Walk Zone students can walk or wheel from home

Bussed students can walk to their bus stop

Students who are driven can walk from a few blocks away

Registered students have a chance to win one of 5 $20 Indigo gift cards!

Registration is now available for students.

7. Just a board update – “Nutrition for Learning’s Meal Mission Fundraising Campaign, with the goal of providing healthy and nutritious food to WRDSB students at school…..raised more than $46,000 to support this student nutrition program. 🍏We are so grateful to everyone who supported the campaign on behalf of WRDSB. Because of your generosity, students can attend school with a full tummy, ready to learn!”

8. Board Meeting on Monday, March 25th from 7 to 9:30:pm Here is your link to watch.https://www.youtube.com/c/WRDSBVideo/live

Quote of the Week:

“Learning to stand in somebody else’s shoes, to see through their eyes, that’s how peace begins.” (Barack Obama)