January 28th, 2025
Hello Franklin Families. Hope you are all enjoying the weekend and the winter weather. Here are your reminders and updates for this week.
1. Kindergarten Registration continues. Visit https://www.wrdsb.ca/kindergarten/ to get more information on this. Thank you to those who have already registered.
2. Movie Night is coming soon….see School-Day for details.
3. French Immersion registration for students in grade 1 entering grade 2 next year.
Here is the link for registration information. www.wrdsb.ca/french/application/
4. The Board meeting is on January 27th starting at 7 pm. https://www.youtube.com/c/WRDSBVideo/live
5. Feb. 27th – Constable L. McCann is coming to Franklin for a parent presentation about Online Safety.
6. Food Drive Community Collection is ending this week. Please remember that contributions are welcome, but only if you can.
7. Tech learning continues. No registration is required; just join a Google Meet.
Part One: Library Learning Commons – Learn about the reading materials in the Library Learning Commons and ways to make them accessible for your child at home.
Tuesday, February 4 at 11:30 a.m. (https://meet.google.com/vhy-azex-xso)
Part Two: Reading the Web
Learn how to use Read&Write tools to explore and understand websites.
Wednesday, February 12 at 12:30 (https://meet.google.com/bqa-bmze-ait)
Part Three: Practice Reading
Learn how to use Read&Write tools to practice reading at home.
Wednesday, February 19 at 12:00 p.m. (https://meet.google.com/cwb-pzjn-mzf)
8. Webinars EQAO hosts webinar series – https://www.eqao.com/school-outreach/
9. Mad Science – Extraordinary Laboratory, is coming to Franklin for grade 1 to 6 students during the second nutrition break starting February 6th. See School-Day for registration details.
10. There are local food programs in this area should your family require it. See School-Day for details.
11. Winter Walk Day is Wednesday, February 5, 2025 with February 12 being the alternate date if there is a weather/system closure. Registered students have a chance to win one of 5 $20 Indigo gift cards!
Families and caregivers can register their child(ren) here…https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeRdhqedn5daBVI5A5PS6ZeNf7GRB_S4Hg9hL3fv1BJ9FXxIA/viewform
12. Check out the following community programs.
Explore Your Future at KPL (February 6, 2025) – https://www.wrdsb.ca/wp-content/uploads/Explore-Your-Future-at-KPL-February-6-2025.pdf
March Break Broadway Boot Camps – Drayton Youth Academy – https://www.wrdsb.ca/wp-content/uploads/March-Break-Broadway-Boot-Camps-Drayton-Youth-Academy.pdf
1. A grade 4/5/6 basketball club is starting this week (2 breaks/week).
2. Sewing Club has started for those who came forward from our junior grades. A few grade 4, 5 and 6 students are participating.
3. Several students are participating in our Meaning of Home contest.
4. Yes, our sign is broken. It seems to work and then break. We will be discussing this at our next Council meeting as it was purchased through Council fundraising.
5. Please remember that your children need to come to school with winter gear as many walk to school, wait for busses, etc. At Franklin, we will determine what we are doing for each outdoor break before it occurs. This may involve cancelling outdoor time or shortening outdoor time. If we go outside, there are warming areas if required but we do ask that children come properly dressed for winter weather. Layers are the key to warmth and the Dollar Tree Store may even have inexpensive face warmers. The winter season is beautiful if properly dressed.
6. We have taxis, ubers, and busses that come to pick up the children at the end of day. They all load in the lane in front of the school. We kindly request that you do not park in front of the school for a pick-up between 3:20 and 3:50. Please have a meeting spot for your children at the end of day even in colder weather. Unless appointments, we ask that you let them finish the school-day.
7. We are in the process of hiring a new parking supervisor to help control incoming traffic and to help keep our staff safe. If you have, or know someone who would be interested, in directing traffic at the beginning and end of the day (30 minutes AM – 9:05 to 9:35 – and 30 minutes PM 3:20 to 3:50), please reach to the school and talk to one of the administrators (Stacey or Linda).
Quote of the Week:
“It is easier to prevent bad habits than to break them.”
(Benjamin Franklin)