Good morning everyone. Here is our most updated staff list. Several changes in the last few weeks with respect to restructuring. As always, please remember that neither classes nor class placements are permanent until the end of September, early October.

Principal – Linda Cotnam

Vice-Principal – Samantha Hutton-Walker

Office Staff – Lara Parks, Phil Shuh, Karen Dobson

Custodians – Zorica Maletic, Drazenka Jovanovic, Ligia Ciorba

Special Education Resource Teachers – Jason Paddon, Karen Morton

Educational Assistants – Stephanie Delahunty, Carrie Fricky, Tracey Hudson, Mandy Spaetzel

Multi-Language Learner (MLL) Teacher – Caitlin Reusser

Child and Youth Work – Chris Hyland

Library Clerk – Fran Brenneman

Supervision Monitors – Humaira Waseem, Rula Joudeh, Allison Donahue

Parking Monitor – Alex Cooke

Rotary/Planning Time Teachers:

Leila Beattie

Laura Bruce

Carmela Gentile Faure

Christine Miller

Caitlin Reusser

Susan Schoneveld

Justine Schmidt

Classroom Teachers:

K1 – Renee Hardie, Kara Helwig, Caleigh McLelland

K2 – Alex Kowalczykowski (half class at this time)

K3 – Lorelee Corriveau, Dallas Andre, TBD

K4 – Kelly Wyatt, Kelly Muir, Aliesha Ferrier

K5 – Sherry Kaufman, Alma Chapelle, Taylor Knoepfli

1A – Shannon Falagitis

1B – Jan Sysiuk

1C – Kristin Binkley

1D – Andrea McDermott

2A – Melissa Pettit

2B – Kelly Verlinden

2FA – Lisa Palmer, Lynne Gaudet

2FB – Lynne Gaudet, Lisa Palmer

3A – Manreet Sidhu

3FA- Justine Schmidt

3/4FA – Amy Weido, Leila Beattie

3/4A – Meagan Wamsley

4FA – Susan Schoneveld, Carrie Wentzlaff

4/5A – Maria Armstrong

4/5FA – Carmela Gentile-Faure, Ashley Burch

5/6A – Sean Collins

5/6FA – James Toenders/Tessa Smits

5/6B – Dallas Borris

6FA – Tessa Smits/James Toenders