Hello Franklin Families! We hope your children had a wonderful first week. We know that new beginnings, new classrooms, new teachers, and new peers can be challenging for some, but this is okay. That is just part of our journeys and life experiences. From our end, the children have done really well this week and that is thanks to a wonderful team (families/staff).

Here are your reminders and updates for this week.


1. Please remember to ensure that you are reviewing the first day package information sent out on School-Day.

2. If your child has a life-threatening medical condition, please ensure that a ‘Plan of Care’ has been completed and returned to the school. For returning students with an existing ‘Plan of Care’, please review and update if needed.

3. Please remember that your child’s/children’s teacher(s) is/are your first point of contact when it comes to your child/children. Please reach out if you have any questions or need to update them with information about your child/children.

4. For our K families and those with children who struggle with morning drop-offs, please remember that lingering makes it harder for children as they hope it means you will bring them home. Maybe arrive closer to the school bell (9:20 a.m.), give them a big hug/kiss, and say good-bye when the bell rings.

5. If your child is in Kindergarten, please ensure there is a handoff to the teacher in the fenced area. Please try not to overcrowd the entry areas to the fenced area or any school door area.

6. “Meet the Staff” (plus some community partners) is coming up quickly. Please see School-Day for details. We look forward to seeing you at the school. Should a teacher be unable to attend, they will be letting the parents of their students know.

7. Save the date – Thursday, September 19th is our first School Council meeting.


1. As always, we submit our classroom numbers a couple times in September to ensure that we have Ministry compliance. September is always a very busy time in schools, and enrolment numbers can change often during this time. Please remember that all class placements are tentative until the end of September, even early October.

2. Match key codes for School-Day have gone out to families that do have School-Day.  Please initiate the set-up so you can access School-Day.

3. If you are looking to support your child with technology, the SEA Assistive Technology Team of the WRDSB is offering a 3-part learning series on digital tools to help your child with reading and writing at home. See School-Day or visit wrdsb.ca for more details.

4. Our school, after raising $4585 for Jump Rope for Heart last year, has received gift cards for $366.80 as part of the payback. This money is going to outside play equipment for each pod. Thank you Franklin Community and to Mrs. Wamsley and Mrs. Falagitis.

5. Eastwood Collegiate is running a basketball skills and games program for students in grades 3-5 and students in grades 6-8. It is designed as an introduction to basketball. If you are interested in enrolling your child in our program please visit School-Day for more information.

6. Families! Please consider following us on instragram, fra_wrdsb. Our Instagram page will give you exciting updates about our school, our community, and our learning!”

Quote of the Week:

“Parents and teachers [and staff] must be a team to ensure children reach their full potential.” (Author Unknown)