Hello Franklin Families. We hope your weekend is going well. Here are your weekly reminders and updates as we finish the last week of November.

1. The make-up day for Photo Day is Tuesday November 26th in the morning.

2. This coming week is the Saidat presentations for students…see a former School Day message on this.

3. A great Lunch and Learn session is coming up as attendance concerns impact school progress and future outcomes and habits.

Addressing Attendance Concerns at School

When: November 27, 2024 from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m.

Where: https://zoom.us/j/5441930058?pwd=bFBqMmY2L2VwMzlPVERwOEZGUXRhZz09#success

4. Our outdoor sign is still down again….I regret the inconvenience.


1. Thank you to those who attended the School Council meeting this past week.

2. On Monday November 25th from 7 to 9 pm, there is a WRDSB Board Meeting if you are interested in joining. Here is the link for you: https://www.youtube.com/c/WRDSBVideo/live

3. We thank the Hummel and the Hagey families for making us two outdoor Franklin Falcon signs. One is at the front and one will be put at the side. There was also an indoor one made for the gym. We are truly grateful for their work on these signs.

4. Our Trailblazers have finally gotten their vests. If you see a student with a bright yellowish vest, they are walking to school. Other Franklin Falcon students are welcome to join them on their walk. Please remember though, that they are just walking to school and helping create groups that are walking. It is not babysitting.

5. The administration met with grade 4 / 5, 5 and 6 classes to remind them of the school expectations. Please speak to your children about what being respectful in a classroom/school means, e.g., appropriate language, complying with staff direction when redirected, etc. Staff will continue to educate and provide actions that connect to our Board’s and schools progressive discipline approach.

6. “Thank you to everyone who was able to contribute to our Poinsettia Fundraiser. We know that times are tight for so many families, and your generosity is extremely appreciated. All of the funds raised will go directly to Franklin’s Nutrition for Learning Program to help provide food to students during the school day. Thank you so much!”

7. “There are a number of public health program messages that may be coming home with your student due to the current situation with Canada Post. Please check their bags regularly for letters from public health. There may be a letter about immunization requirements or dental screening follow up or vision screening follow up”

8. As winter approaches, so do poor road and sidewalk conditions. Please remember to use designated sidewalks versus cutting through areas that are not designed for this. Proper winter footwear for children and adults is strongly recommended. Children will easily slip in running shoes as they are not meant for the winter.

9. As the weather gets colder, there is a greater chance of icy conditions. Please remind your children about the Penguin Walk – “take shorter shuffle-like steps, with your arms (wings) at your side and “walk like a penguin”. Keep feet on ground when shuffling.

10. The Community E-Flyers website provides programs and services for our schools and families. https://www.wrdsb.ca/community/community-e-flyers/

Here are some events you may be interested in attending with your families/children:

a) KW Art Gallery Sensory theme – Saturday on December 7 – https://kwag.ca/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=868

b) Community auditions for Matilda for 8 and up at the St. Agatha community centre – https://www.wrdsb.ca/wp-content/uploads/The-Community-Players-Youth-Audition-for-Matilda.pdf

c) Tamil Heritage Month – Poster making contest for ages 6 and up – https://www.wrdsb.ca/wp-content/uploads/Tamil-Heritage-Month-Poster-Making-Contest.pdf

d) Free friendly family event at K-W Art Gallery for art making and exhibition -https://www.wrdsb.ca/wp-content/uploads/Family-Sunday-Kitchener-Waterloo-Art-GalleryDecember-8.pdf

Quote of Week:

“Parenting is perhaps the toughest job on earth. I always remind parents that children do as you do; not as you say. What they observe is what they normalize.” (Rakhi Beekrum – Psychologist)

Have a super day everyone!