Photo Day

Photo Day for all students is Tuesday October 7, 2014. Information (choices, ordering instructions) will be sent home with your child on Thursday Oct 2 or Friday October 3.

Re-organization at Franklin

At the beginning of each school year, we have to submit our enrolment numbers to the School Board to confirm our classes for the school year.  When the enrolment increases or decreases from the original projections made in June, schools are sometimes asked to reorganize classes. This year, due to a decline in enrolment in […]

Breakfast Club

The Breakfast Club is offered 5 days a week in the church directly across the playing field from the school. The Club follows the same schedule as the school. The program will begin on Monday, September 15th. The doors are open at 8:15 a.m. and breakfast is served until 8:45 a.m. When the teachers are […]

Back to School Information

School begins on the Tuesday after Labour Day weekend with full day classes for grades 1 to 6 Class lists will be posted on the Friday before Labour Day on the front doors at 4 p.m. Kindergarten students will attend during the first week of school as follows: Tuesday Sept. 2nd:  All new JK and new-to-SK students […]

End-of-Year Celebrations!

We don’t call them “graduations”, but our end-of-year celebrations for Grade 6 students and Kindergarten students are as follows: Grade 6 students:  June 23 at 1:30 in the Gym. All family members are welcome to join us as we recognize and celebrate this special moment in the lives of our Grade 6 stdents. Kindergarten Students: […]

Franklin’s Fun Run

Please join us this Thursday, June 5th, for the Franklin Fun Run.  We would love to have lots of people cheering our runners.  If you still wish to join, use this Fun Run Permission Form.  The run begins at 4 p.m. and is open to all Franklin Running Club  members.

Franklin Thanks Volunteers with Breakfast

Franklin P.S. is holding its annual thank-you breakfast for volunteers.  Please join us on May 29th between 8:00 a.m. and 8:45 a.m. in he library for a chance for Franklin to say “thanks” for the important work volunteers do.  Feel free to call the office if you have not turned in a form and still wish to […]

Walk and Roll with Sunnyside Home

We are partnering to support Sunnyside Home here in the Stanley Park Community.  Sunnyside holds their Walk and Roll fundraising event annually.  We are partnering with Sunnyside Home to create stronger community links.  This year’s event will take place June 7th, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.  Click on this walk and roll brochure 2014 for […]

Supporting Awesome Parenting at Franklin

School Council has organized an evening focusing on positive parenting strategies with Diane McGregor, Director of Family and Community Solutions with K-W Counselling.  The session is entitled “Positive Discipline, Cooperative Kids: Positive Parenting Strategies that Work”.  The session will take place May 22nd at Franklin from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  For more information, click on this parenting strategies brochure.  All parents in the community are […]

Gr. 5 Cycling Program Info Night

Students in Ms. Morgan’s and Mrs. Morton’s classes will be taking part in a cycling program being offered this spring at 3 schools in our Board.  We are one of the fortunate schools that has been chosen to participate.  Details about the program will be discussed and presented at a parent information session at Sheppard P.S. […]

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