Here is the next round of blog posts on kindness! Enjoy the next 9 posts on kindness and on being a kind friend!

1. Some good ways on how to be a good friend

“There’s nothing better than a friend then one with food.” Take some tips to be a kind friend. 1 tell jokes, like why did the chicken cross the road or knock knock. 2 help out if they drop something, pick it up or spill something, help clean it up, if you’re doing work share ideas or strategies. 3 the most important one is tell a teacher it’s simple if someone is hurting them or saying rude things to them tell a teacher to hesitate your helping not hurting them. welp I’ve told you all i know got to go. (Lauren, Grade 4)


2. How to be a good friend

If you want to be a good friend you should be respectful to be respectful you should listen to your friend. Maeby your  friend  likes what you don’t so ask your friend what they want to do.Help your friend don’t always play your games you should ALWAYS be respectful  you can  be respectful  by listening to your friend. Now try it thank you for reading. BYE (Lorelei, Grade 3)


3. How to be a good friend

Do you want to be a good friend?  I can help you. These are some tips to help you. First, get to know them. For example, you might ask questions. Next, be kind to them. Play or talk with them a little bit, and maybe start a conversation.  You probably don’t want to stick too close to them because you might be annoying them. Afterwards, they’re  your friend!  Great job, you’re a good friend. (Student in Room 14)


4. Treat People with Kindness

Being kind is not that easy but  you can try some simple  steps to make more friends.  Some traits to make more friends are to be… positive Kind  Social Just remember evan if your positive kind social some people still wont like you I don’t really know why but don’t stress out because so many people still want to be your friend . Don’t try and change your self because if they don’t like you for who you are there probably not the right fit for you . If they are a real friend some things they will probably do is … HANG OUT WITH YOU  talk to you care about you when your sad if you not sure about someone you can always see using thees by comparing them with this.

I hope you enjoyed and can make more friends. One last question is what does kindness mean to you? (Avein, Grade 5)


5. Kindness is Cool

Have you ever thought about being kind? If you are reading this, I’m assuming you have. Being kind is extremely easy and it can be pretty fun too! You can be kind to just about anyone, someone at your school, your sister, your brother, your mom, your dad and so on! Before you go into action, here are some useful tips to help YOU be kind. 

First off,  a little goes a long way. By this I mean that the smallest act of kindness can make someone’s day, week, month, year or even someone’s whole life for that matter!

Second is compliments. If you have never heard the word compliment before here is what it means: A polite way of showing admiration. An example of a compliment is saying something like “Your hair looks great today!” or “I love that drawing of yours, you did great!”. 

The third is a BIG TIP. Don’t be obsessive. When trying to make a friend or be kind don’t ask personal questions. Don’t try to make anyone seem uncomfortable. Because they might be going through a tough time.

Thanks for reading my blog! I hope you now know some kind action and tips! Bye! (Fionna, Grade 5)


6. Kindness affects someone’s brightness

Do you want to be kinder but just don’t know how? Here are 2 tips!

One way is by complimenting people. When complimenting someone, you are showing you care and want to show kindness.  Some ways to start compliments are “I like your…” or “I think you’re…”. 

Another way of showing kindness is just being polite. If you show respect and have manners, people will respect you. Some people just aren’t kind enough and expect to be treated better. This isn’t rich. As the famous quote “Treat others the way you want to be treated”, showing a positive attitude can help you become somebody’s friend. 

Overall, these are just TIPS. Hopefully this helps you know what to do in order to spread kindness! (Yasmina, Grade 5)


7. Rosewood Kindness

Hello! Welcome to my blog, I’m Sophie and my blog is about kindness. “ No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted” That quote was by Aesop. Now here’s my blog.

Tips on how to be a kind friend, let your friends cry. When your friend is crying about something you can make them laugh or say something funny.

I hope you learned some tips on how to be a kind friend. What are your tips on how to be an awesome friend? I hope you enjoyed my blog! Have an  awesome day! Byeee!!!! (Sophie, Grade 5)


8. Kindness Blog

Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return  but because of who you are.   Have you been kind recently? I hope so! If not, there are so many things you can do! Go ahead and start reading. 1 way to be totally awesome is to be a kind friend! A couple of ways you can do that is to give compliments. Here’s some examples: “i love your shirt”, “i really like the style of your hair”, and so many more. Giving compliments can make you or your friend feel good. As Well as if you are nice, it will make people wanna be friends with you. Another way to be kind is to bake people some yummy treats! Baking food for neighbors, friends, family, pets, etc can make them really happy and appreciate you more! It’s also just a good way to show them you really care/love them. Being kind is so important and it not only makes you happy but makes other people feel good too! You should try out a few of these kind ideas ! It can really turn someone’s day around! It also doesn’t hurt to be kind?!Have a nice day!!! (Maddie, Grade 6)


9. Kindness

When you are feeling blue,what does your friend do to help you?first of all he/she will probably try and listen to what you have to say. 2 they could also be very caring like saying “sharing is caring’.3rd of all they would be very respectful. For example if you want to be alone they will respect you and your personal space.

To be a kind friend you need all those know sometimes i get sad and a KIND friend. For example if my stuffy the octopus got ripped I would be able to help her. Plus my mom does the exact same thing to me but not that i was ripped or anything I just fell down and my knee was bleeding. I knew that she was kind and respected that I did not want to take off the bandaid’s. The second thing that I mentioned was being giving. I also knew that she was giving because she gave me her popsicle when we went on a walk (it was delicious and it was orange flavored  my favorite)..The third thing was listening to me cry while trying to take the bandaid off. But she said that it was worth it because it all came down to the popsicle stick.

So the people who are reading this blog those are the three things that I think make you are kind friend. (Chloe, Grade 6)




Categories: Franklin Blog