Please enjoy some of our Junior students’ poetry!


Couplet Poem – Teachers

Sometimes teachers are nice, sometimes teachers are mean,
Sometimes they are crazy, and sometimes they are a dream.
Sometimes they help me play basketball,
Sometimes I slip and fall.
My teacher helps me learn math,
and I can run really fast

– Aydenn, Grade 4


Acrostic Poem – Spring

I-tchy eyes
N-o more snow
G-reen grass

-Evelyn, Grade 4


Haiku Poem – Nature

Water makes me sleep
The birds chirping makes me feel alive
The animals make me cry

-Ocean, Grade 4


Couplet Poem – Tacos

The shredded cheese on the meat,
Then you sit down to eat.
The crunchy shell is delicious,
But it is also very nutritious.
Salsa, guacamole and sour cream,
Eating tacos is a dream.
Soft tacos are the best,
It’s like sitting in a mushy nest.

-Zoe, Grade 4


Acrostic Poem – Spring

S-sun is shining
P-pretty flowers
R-ringing birds
I-ice is melted
N-nice weather
G-growing grass

-Zoe, Grade 4

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